Sunday 4 January 2015

Spear Phishing: A Bigger Concern in 2015

From Bank Info Security -

“Spear phishing has been linked to numerous cyber-attacks this year, including the spring breach that compromised a remote server at JPMorgan Chase, as well as the point-of-sale and bank account attacks waged by the Russian crime ring known as Anunak.

Now, hackers are increasingly focusing their phishing campaigns against bank employees, rather than bank customers, says Jay McLaughlin, chief security officer for Austin, Texas-based Q2ebanking, an online banking platform provider.

"Instead of going after thousands of customers, they are going after the bank itself," he says. "And they are finding that they are really successful."

Hackers are targeting banking institution employees with convincing e-mails that fool them into clicking on malicious links - which ultimately compromise their credentials or other sensitive information - or trick them into providing details about accountholders and their accounts. This information is often used by hackers to take over customers' accounts to perpetrate fraud.”

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