Wednesday 22 October 2014

BitCon: The Naked Truth About Bitcoin - Jeffrey Robinson's Teardown of World's Biggest Cryptocurrency

From International Business Times

“Jeffrey Robinson has written extensively about financial crime. His 1995 book on money laundering, The Laundrymen, was a best seller; in other books he has flagged up the sort of financial risk-taking that led to the financial crash more than a decade before it happened.

It's a pedigree that steers his focus toward the alleged scheming, manipulation and criminal intent that have been attached to bitcoin during its short, turbulent history.

Near the beginning of his exposition, Robinson admits the blockchain technology behind bitcoin "happens to be brilliant". Apparently he has a soft spot for Satoshi Nakamoto (he lays into Newsweek at some length for its "shoddy" attempt to reveal the bitcoin founder's identity). But the main thread of his book is a sustained stream of argument and invective directed at what he calls the bitcoin "Faithful".”

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