Monday 27 May 2013

No Such Thing as Hackerproof

From CIO Deloitte Journal

“Many organizations may have a false sense of security, perhaps even complacency, resulting from their investments in non-agile security tools and processes they have relied on for years. Yet firewalls, antivirus, intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion prevention systems (IPS) are increasingly less effective as attackers leverage encryption and other innovative techniques to evade them. Many companies are failing to detect long-dwell cybercrimes in their IT environments and misallocating limited resources to lesser, more generic threats. Basic security blocking and tackling is valuable, but is in no way sufficient.

Organizations across many industries need to up their games. That can require changing the lens through which they view cyber risk -- not relying upon traditional security controls revealing tell-tale signs of an effective attack -- but leveraging intelligence and advanced techniques to identify the coming threat and proactively respond.”

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