Wednesday 1 May 2013

2013 Tech Trends - The Business of IT

From the “Deloitte CIO Journal”

"When it comes to supporting business performance, IT has a thirty-plus-year record of delivering what's needed. First it was the transition from manual processes to technology-driven solutions. Then, from standalone systems to integrated offerings. And now, IT is striving for similar returns from information, digital and innovation.

In the years ahead, however, IT's value proposition will likely increasingly be shaped by how well it addresses its second mandate: to improve operational efficiency in the business of IT itself.

For many CIO organizations, operational efficiency is not a rosy story. As IT has focused on making line-of-business operations efficient, the underlying mechanics of the business of IT have often been ignored. From how solutions are built and managed to how resources are deployed to how accomplishments get measured and reported, it's time for CIOs to invest in their own shops. That means driving tools to capture, report and manage their full portfolio of projects, vendors and resource pools -- across planning, implementation and ongoing operations."

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