Thursday 26 February 2015

Transport for London to overhaul Oyster technology

From Paymenteye  -

“With many users of London’s tubes, trains and buses embracing contactless card payments, TfL is exploring new options for its Oyster card system.

In the future, Oyster cards may directly incorporate the same contactless technology as credit and debit cards. Rather than the existing top-up system, this means that payments would be processed by the Transit Transaction Model, which currently handles contactless bank cards.

This will also mean that the Oyster system can follow the lead of contactless cards by adopting a flexible approach to fare capping.

At present, both Oyster cards and contactless cards “cap” at a set limit, after which the customer is not charged for their journeys. This limit differs according to the travel zones that the customer travels through during their day.”

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