Wednesday 26 November 2014

London's Boris Johnson gets help in IRS fight

From Forbes

“Should London’s Mayor Boris Johnson pay U.S. taxes and file FBARs? Born in New York, the iconic London mayor never gave up his U.S. citizenship. But rather than quietly paying U.S. taxes, Mr. Johnson in an NPR interview called it ‘outrageous’ to tax U.S. citizens on their global income. Mayor Boris hasn’t lived in the U.S. since age 5, but the IRS seeks tax on the sale his U.K. home.

The sale is exempt from tax in the U.K., so Mayor Boris can’t just claim a credit for his U.K. taxes to the IRS. It gladdens the heart of every expat and disgruntled American taxpayer to hear Mr. Johnson say that he won’t pay. It even fuels speculation that the IRS and Mr. Johnson could go to the mat.”

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