Wednesday 5 November 2014

How Regulators Fail Taxpayers: The Story of JP Morgan and the New York Fed

From National Review Online

“A few weeks ago, This American Life aired an hour long story showing how the regulators at the Federal Reserve in New York were cozying up with Goldman Sachs, a member of the too-big-to-fail team that of course the Fed is supposed to oversee. For instance, thanks to some secret recordings, you can hear Fed officials talk about how they suspect a Goldman deal with Santander to be “legal but shady” . . . before shrugging the whole thing off. You can also hear both the regulators and Goldman executives acknowledge that the deal should have required Fed approval and then . . . see to no consequences for Goldman.

While this came as a shock to most people listening to the story, this behavior isn’t new. It’s called regulatory capture, and economists have known about it for over 40 years.’

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