Wednesday 19 November 2014

Fighting Corruption

Bribery directly damages your business and your reputation. However your business is not the only victim. The big losers are the government and the larger society, both of whom are severely undermined by the weakened rule of law and damaged economic and social development. As such, Governments worldwide are making anti-corruption programs an integral part of regulation and compliance.

The OECD and its member countries see the core principle in fighting corruption as rooted the principle of free and fair competition. Each bribe offered or accepted reduces this – it steals from the larger society.

The key to successfully fighting corruption is education and training together with continual reinforcement of the basic concepts and principles.

To this end a new 2-day training program “Fighting Corruption”, which is focused on anti-corruption compliance, is now available. This program is the product of months of labor by our team of compliance and risk management specialists.

Into this two-day program we have woven an exciting agenda that enables participants to understand three extremely important laws and conventions aimed at combating corruption. We examine the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, the United State’s “Foreign Corrupt Practices (FCPA) Act”, and the United Kingdom’s “Anti-Bribery Act”; and then we show you how you build their requirements into you anti-corruption program.
This two-day intensive training course is a practical look at corruption and current anti-corruption practices at a level that will provide both a clear definition and broad guidelines as to how this scourge can be fought as well as a set of detailed issues and checklists to help make setting up your own anti-corruption program easier.

Key issues covered include;
  • What corruption is and how to recognize it,
  • How to set up your own anti-corruption program,
  • Red Flags and other warning signs that point to corrupt practices,
  • How to implement a process that will allow you to continually improve your anti-corruption measures without overwhelming your organization,
  • Steps you can take to better understand your global corruption risks,
  • The need for ongoing risk assessments and review, and
  • Why third-party due diligence can make or break your program.
This new program is available from Citadel Advantage as an In-House Training Program.

Speaking about in-house have you ever taken a minute to think about the efficiencies and cost benefits that running a training program In-House can give you?

Why not spend just 5 minutes reading our short article “Road Trip or Staying Put? Why training in-house makes sense”. This puts the whole cost aspect into perspective and boils everything down to dollars and cents. You will be amazed by what you can save.

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