Monday 27 October 2014

Analyzing Bank of England's Outage

From Bank Info Security

“John Walker, director of cyber forensics for the British security firm Cytelligence, says network security is often easy for hackers to penetrate, pointing to many recent examples.

In an interview with Information Security Media Group, he singles out a suspicious "technical" issue that reportedly took down part of Bank of England's payments network earlier this week. Walker, a featured presenter at ISMG's Global APT Defense Summit in New York, says Bank of England, like many other organizations that suffer similar outages, was likely the victim of a cyber-attack. 

"What happened at the Bank of England?" he asks. "There are a number of questionable issues. You have an enormous, massively expensive system here that went down for an entire day. ... I just have some suspicions around the whole thing."

On Oct. 20, part of the Bank of England's automated system for settling high-value payments apparently failed to function, which the nation's central bank blamed on routine maintenance, according to a news report from The Irish Times. The outage lasted about eight hours, the newspaper reported.”

read more & listen to the interview>>

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