Wednesday 5 February 2014

Who Says Banks Don’t Have a Sense of Humor? Even When They’re Robbed

From Financial Brand

“January 10 was typically cold in McCall, Idaho, a small resort town with nary 3,000 residents. With temperatures lingering just below freezing, Nathan Davenport decided to hit the ATM.

Literally. With his truck.

Sometime around 9 o’clock, Davenport pulled up to the ATM outside Idaho First Bank. Wearing dark clothes and a mask, he proceeded to cut the bolts off the ATM’s door, then attached a chain to it and ripped the door free with his truck (a stolen truck, of course). Apparently this wasn’t Davenport’s first time hijacking an ATM. The caper took less than seven minutes, and Davenport split with cash totaling $26,120.”

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