Monday 29 April 2013

2013 Tech Trends CIO as the Postdigital Catalyst

From "Deloitte CIO Journal"

Five macro forces - analytics, mobile, social, cloud and cyber - are hard at work enabling and disrupting organizations of many shapes and sizes. The Postdigital Enterprise provokes and harvests these disruptions by changing operating models, capabilities and perhaps even business models. Industrialization wasn't complete when we entered the post-industrial era; it had simply become the new basis for competition. The same holds true for these digital forces in the Postdigital era.

CIOs are in a unique position to be the harbingers of change. To serve as catalysts across the executive suite, helping others understand the boundaries of the possible. To force thinking beyond veneering existing solutions and processes. To stand accountable for realizing transformation.

What's at stake may very well be the future of the business. Tomorrow's leading CIOs are likely to be those who rise to the challenge, perhaps reframed as the Chief Digital Officer, forging new identities as a postdigital catalyst -- an agent to provoke or speed the move to the Postdigital era.

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