iPhone piggy bank predicts how well you'll do in life http://cnet.co/Z4bkJb
Central banks 'cannot resolve crisis without govt action' http://dld.bz/cmZGF
Don't Worry About Goldman, They'll Figure Out This Volcker Rule Thing http://dld.bz/cmZGC
Charities suffer amid mobile payments muddle http://www.thelocal.se/46470#.UTGPIjxOCKS.twitter
Kenya's M-Shwari crosses Ksh1 billion in mobile banking transactions a month http://dld.bz/cm5Td
Over half of corporates have no SEPA idea http://shar.es/jEEoC
HSBC pays $4.2bn for fines and mis-selling in 2012 http://bbc.in/14jskN9
Consumer Appetite for Comprehensive, Mobile PFM Grows http://twb.io/VhPX9o
African mobile money adoption soars - GSMA http://www.finextra.com/News/FullStory.aspx?newsitemid=24596
How much data can police swipe from suspects' phones without a warrant? http://dld.bz/cm5SX
Risk In The Supply Chain A Growing Concern for Banks and Regulators http://twb.io/ZI9yOE