Monday 20 September 2010

Phishing scam using the US tax system as bait - McAfee

Security researchers at McAfee have reported a new phishing scam targeting users of the US Department of Treasury's Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS).

According to McAfee, phishers were seen using the free tax payment service as bait this week in a new round of e-mails.

The e-mails have the subject line "Your EFTPS Tax Payment ID has been rejected," and claim that the recipient's tax payment did not go through due to an invalid ID number. Victims are then directed to a phony Web site for more information.

"If you receive one of these messages claiming to be from the EFTPS or IRS, don't open it or click any link," blogged McAfee's Felix Martinez. "It's safer to manually type the URL (web address) instead of clicking a link. To verify whether a government or financial institution is trying to contact you, call that agency."
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