Thursday 24 June 2010

Wells Fargo becomes first bank to introduce ATM e-receipts

US bank Wells Fargo has introduced its new ATM e-receipt service to its all online banking consumers. The new option allows customers to decide on whether they want to have an ATM receipt sent an Online Banking inbox or to the specified email address. Wells Fargo is the first and only bank, so far, to launch the kind of service.

All Wells Fargo customers can use the service while Wachovia consumers will be able to access it soon after they convert to Wells Fargo. The conversion is scheduled to take place through 2011.

In order to start using the service customers need to continue using the ATM the same way they do it at present time. They can select the new option on the receipt selection screen. When they visit the inbox they have prespecified before they will see an email sent to them from Wells Fargo Online titled “Your Wells Fargo ATM Receipt.”
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