Friday 8 July 2016

The vultures are circling: EU states eye up London's finance crown

From Finextra –
“As states across Europe eye up London's business riches and tout their EU-friendly fintech credentials, German centre-right political party Freie Demokraten is taking a cheekily direct approach, driving a giant billboard truck into the heart of the capital emblazoned with an invite for Brexit-scarred startups to move to Berlin.”

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Wednesday 6 July 2016

The 9 ways Brexit will affect foreign banks

From Financial Times -

“Banks across Europe and the US have been battered by Brexit. Shares in big global banks outside the UK fell anywhere from 7 to 20 per cent on the day after the UK voted to quit the EU. Though other parts of the market have since recovered, non-UK banks have failed to make back all of their losses.

Brexit will change overseas banks significantly, sometimes for the good. Here are nine ways the vote will affect them.”

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Tuesday 5 July 2016

Solvency II: An EU Regulation in a non-EU Nation

From Bobs Guide –

“Following the Brexit campaign, many financial professionals have been left wondering what to do about regulation. Michael Gove claimed that the UK would be better off without the £600 million a week that is spent on EU regulation costs. Although this is a disputed subject, it must be said that the number of European directives and standards in place is colossal. Will the UK continue to comply with EU regulations such as Solvency II, or will there be a stream of new standards that come into force in the years to come?”

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