
Friday 30 July 2010


Zurich, 15 -16 December 2010

Organizations are experiencing an increased concern and focus on risk management. The challenge for management of both private and public organizations today is to determine how much uncertainty to accept as it strives towards achieving the organization’s objectives and delivering value to its stakeholders.

The solution to this challenge is the establishment of an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) system and processes that effectively identify, assess, and manage risk within acceptable levels.

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) supports value creation by enabling management to:

  • Deal effectively with potential future events that create uncertainty. 
  • Respond in a manner that reduces the likelihood of downside outcomes and increases the upside potential and its realization.
This practical 2-day hands-on training course providing attendees with an understanding of the requirements needed to design and implement an appropriate Enterprise Risk Management system, i.e. policies, procedures, practices, and accountability required to establish the right levels of Risk Management in compliance with current standards and other requirements for their organizations.

The course provides an opportunity for delegates to benchmark their ERM practices against the COSO – ERM framework, and learn how to implement an effective ERM system.

This course is being offered in conjunction with IASeminars.

For detailed course information and registrations please CLICK HERE