Monday 11 May 2015

Apple Pay: Quiet Success or Murky Failure?

From Information Week –

“Crunching the numbers suggests adoption of Apple Pay is anything but booming and points to real problems facing the mobile payment industry.

Is Apple Pay a success, or is Apple Pay a failure? The answer depends on who you ask, but looking at some raw data sheds a bit of light on the subject. One estimate says the number of regular users may be somewhere south of 2 million.

Apple Pay arrived on Oct. 20. It is compatible with only the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus handsets, and also the new Apple Watch. The service launched with support from a handful of banks and retailers, with compatible terminals at about 220,000 locations. Since then, support has grown significantly. The number of banks supporting Apple Pay has jumped to more than 100. Apple says the number of retail locations has surpassed 700,000.”

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